Friday, December 19, 2008

Great Fishing, Great Filming!

It started off slowly at Sterkfontein this December. The heavens opened and the streams and inlets turned a colour they rarely do. Some overcast weather and rain spelt a bad start to the sight fishing we so dearly enjoy. 4 days in the gods of fishing finally received our pleas and the fishing started to heat up with the weather. On the filming side, which of course relies heavily on the quality of fishing, the goal of getting as many takes on the dry was achieved and a little taste of this will soon be posted on the blog. Least we forget-thank you to Kerry Wallace for her excellent work in operating the camera and her patients in dealing with fish mad anglers and short tippets, I mean fuses!!

New kid on the block Rob Scott from Tourette Fishing showed us it only requires 24 hours to get fish in the 6lb class when he landed this beauty in his first morning/second day at Sterkies.

The Hopper proved to be a winner again and a good few quality fish were deceived by this special pattern. It made for exciting sight fishing casting to scum line feeding fish and when presented well could not be beat by any other pattern in the box!

Due to the great success we had in getting small mouth to the dry and capturing it on video we are going to return to the big blue in February again for round two of filming-the release for end of fall 2009 is still on!

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